Best Places To Visit In Indonesia

We will provide reviews on Best Places To Visit In Indonesia , But here we will not tell you much in detail but rather is merely a summary of reviews of our vacation place auto summary from various sources reference attractions be it sights in Indonesia. Compare with some other countries in Asia such as Singapore, Hong Kong to UAE the most sights are made by human hands. Something created by nature much more special and amazing artificial than Indonesia is the largest archipelago in the world. With the number of islands that reach number 13 thousands, Indonesia had a myriad of unique attractions, beautiful and amazing. A few places such as Best Places To Stay In Bali Indonesia has become a tourist world subscription to enjoy holidays with tropical nuances. Not only for its natural wealth, culture in Indonesia is very diverse. Each area has a distinctive culture that made this country the more colorful. Still doubt the wealth of our own country? The following summary of Best Places To Visit In Indonesia that You visit:

There is no reason not to enter Bali in a list of the best tourist places in Indonesia. The island is the largest tourism assets in Indonesia. In some occasions, the island of the gods is often included in lists of the most beautiful island in the world by traveling magazines and online media. Even often occupy the top. Bali Indonesia is an island complete. Not only had the charming beaches but also the mountainous green landscape presents a soothing to the eyes. Bali is a world class tourist destination. As an island, Bali is the ideal place for a vacation. Increasingly explored, the more we will know that Bali is indeed an island special.

Best Places To Visit In Indonesia

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Shifted to the East of Bali we will find another island are no less wonderful: Lombok. Lombok is one of the most beautiful islands in Indonesia. By the Ministry of tourism, the island was made into a promotional package with the Great Bali Bali. Lombok is for 4 hours via the sea of Bali through Pelabahan Padang Bai. Lombok have beaches that are not less beautiful Bali. Compared to Bali, there are beaches in Lombok are much more quiet so we will really get a feel for the real holiday mood
One of the most beautiful places which belonged to Lombok is frequently called mount Rinjani trekking tours offered by Southeast Asia's loveliest scenery. A wide Lake lies at an elevation of 2,000 mdpl became a complement the beauty of Mount Rinjani in Lombok island.

Best Places To Visit In Indonesia
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Best Places To Visit In Indonesia
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As written in his new logo: Yogyakarta special. Some say that we should not have to Yogyakarta if not ready massacred by memories. Yogyakarta is indeed a special place that easily gave birth to miss. While many say if not already welcoming Jogja first along with the growing number of entrants and the pace of capitalism, still there are other sides that make Yogyakarta remains exceptional. We can still freely hanging out in a place with friends while discussing anything. Enjoy of warm rice. Or enjoy the view of the sunset at Ratu Boko Palace or the Parang tritis Beach.
In Yogyakarta is also a biggest Hindu temple in Southeast Asia are: Prambanan. The temple is at once became one of the icons of tourism in Jogja. Whatever anyone says about Yogyakarta, this place will remain a special place

Best Places To Visit In Indonesia
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Best Places To Visit In Indonesia

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Raja Ampat Islands
Raja Ampat is a dream destination for almost all fans traveling in Indonesia. The Islands are located in West Papua has a magical power that makes many people fall in love. There is no reason for us not to crave this place as a tourist destination of dreams. Even though we know the budget for there also not cheap. A cluster of Islands with enthralling scenery as well as underwater world that has diverse biota is will we get in Raja Ampat.

Best Places To Visit In Indonesia
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Borobudur Temple
Borobudur Temple is the world's largest Buddhist monument. The temple was never entered in the 7 Wonders of the world and has been designated as a world heritage site by UNESCO. This temple is also one of the icons of tourism in Indonesia. When visiting Indonesia by 2014 and then, the big boss of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg makes his first goal as Borobudur Temple before making agendas. It is one of the evidence that the temple is a place of exceptional whose name already is global. So there is no reason not to enter this temple to the list of the best tourist places in Indonesia. The temple itself was constructed in the 8th century during the reign of Syailendra dynasty. This temple is located in Magelang Regency, Central Java. About 40 km to the southwest of Yogyakarta.

Best Places To Visit In Indonesia

Best Places To Visit In Indonesia
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Lake Toba
Lake Toba is the leading tourist destinations in the province of North Sumatra. Lake Toba is not a lake. It is a volcanic Lake that holds the title as the largest lake in Southeast Asia. On the shores of Lake we may feel like they're standing at the edge of the ocean. Lake Toba has a length of 100 km and a width of 30 km. in the middle of the Lake there is an inhabited island namely Samosir island. Lake Toba itself formed from eruption of Mount Toba approximately 73.000-75,000 years ago. A great eruption resulted in the formation of a vast caldera that then filled with water and we know as Lake Toba. The Ministry of Tourism is currently developing Lake Toba to be tourist destinations of the world.

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 Bunaken National Park
Bunaken is one of the reasons that made people come to North Sulawesi. This National Park is one of the best places in Indonesia to enjoy the beauty of the underwater world. It is set in the Coral triangle of the world and more than 390 species of coral reefs. The clear sea water will welcome the arrival of the US in Bunaken. Not just coral reefs, marine life, such as the existence of a variety of molluscs as well as ornamental fish make a dream become a place of Bunaken underwater world fans

Best Places To Visit In Indonesia

Best Places To Visit In Indonesia
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Mount Bromo
Mount Bromo is one of the best locations on the island of Java to enjoy sunrise in addition to Dieng. This mountain is one of the icons of tourism in East Java. There are at least 3 interesting spot that we can visit around Mount Bromo i.e. deserts is often referred to as the sand whispers, green grassland which is often referred to as the Valley of Jemplang and — of course — a crater into a main object in this mountain. To be able to enjoy the sunrise at Bromo own keindaha we can head to Penanjakan 1 residing in Pasuruan and Penanjakan 2 located in Probolinggo. Location of Mount Bromo itself lies in the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park. In addition, the Bromo volcano in this National Park are also located other mountains are no less beautiful are sure Shell Mountain and mount Semeru, the highest mountain on the island of Java

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Komodo National Park
Komodo National Park is a place where you can see ancient giant lizards living wild in its natural habitat. Moreover, if not komodo. The rare animals live on Komodo island and several other islands in the Komodo National Park area. The park itself has also been designated as a world heritage site by UNESCO.
In addition to meeting with the giant lizards, we can also enjoy views of the stunning marine in Komodo National Park. From the island of Padar, for example. We can rise to the top of the Hill to enjoy the beauty of the sea around Komodo National Park. In Komodo national park there is also a pink sandy beach is often referred to with the Pink Beach

Best Places To Visit In Indonesia
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Best Places To Visit In Indonesia
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Mount Tambora
Tambora is special. This mountain is one of the mountain has a long history. In the 18th century the mountain was erupted in which the explosion was one of the worst recorded in the history of mankind. The mountain has the largest Caldera in Indonesia. To achieve the Summit we must pass through the caldera. After all this time, mount Tambora was recently established as a national park by President Jokowi by 2015, exactly two centuries post eruption

Mount Tambora is located on Sumbawa island itself, West Nusa Tenggara. Around it there are many pastures where wild horses living freely. One Admin Ncanga located on the South side of the mountain. The mountain has a high 2,851 mdpl

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Best Places To Visit In Indonesia
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Dieng plateau
Dieng plateau is one of the best tourist attractions in Central Java. The plateau is often referred to as the land of the gods. This place is one of the best places in Java island to witness sunrise in addition to Bromo volcano. The mountain is the highest point of Prau Dieng plateau

In addition to have a beautiful nature, Dieng also had cultural tours that are not less interesting. Every year is held the procession of children's hair cut dreadlocks wrapped in Dieng Plateau Culture Festival. In Dieng, dreadlocked children believed to be descendants of the gods where their hair should only be cut through a series of particular rituals. Cannot be indiscriminate. In the village there are also Dieng is believed to be the highest Village in Java i.e. Sembungan.

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Best Places To Visit In Indonesia
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Sulawesi island is the best place for fans of Nautical tourism, especially the lovers of diving. In addition, coral, other places in Sulawesi destinations attractive to diving the Wakatobi National Park is located in South East Sulawesi province with an area of reach 13,900 km². Wakatobi is home to approximately 112 types of coral reefs. Making it one of the best dive sites in Indonesia.

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Best Places To Visit In Indonesia
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Wae Rebo
Wae Rebo is a village on the mountain. The village is located in district Satarmese West Manggarai, East Nusa Tenggara. It is not easy to reach this village because we have to walk up and down the Valley like mountain climbing. In the past some time this last name Wae Rebo the more known and more and more people are curious to come there. Communities in the Wae Rebo live in a traditional House of cone-shaped which is known by the name Mbaru Niang
People who live in the Wae Rebo is said to have entered the 19th generation in which each generation equivalent to 60 years. So, if calculated Wae Rebo is already there is about 1,140 years ago. Even though it's been a very long time, Wae Wae keep Rebo Rebo who still hold fast to the culture of the ancestors.

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Best Places To Visit In Indonesia
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 Ijen crater
Ijen crater is a volcanic crater that lies between Bondowoso and Banyuwangi in East Java. Ijen crater is very famous for the phenomenon of rare blue fire reportedly there were only two in the world. However, to see the beauty of blue fire in Ijen we should be a bit of a sacrifice because the maximum view of the blue fire occurred in the early days before dawn. Post climbing to Ijen crater itself is located in the village of Paltuding Sub-district, sub-district of slick, Banyuwangi.

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Best Places To Visit In Indonesia
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Gili Trawangan
Located in the southwest of the island of Lombok, we would find a beautiful island into a location that is ideal for honeymooners. The island is Gili Trawangan. The island is about 20 minutes away on the ship using a boat from the harbour Ward on the island of Lombok. A variety of exciting activities we can do on Gili Trawangan ranging from relaxed cycling, snorkeling to sunbathing. Gili Trawangan is an uninhabited island where we will be freed from the noise of motor vehicles. Instead, the public bicycle use in Gili Trawangan ontel as well as everyday vehicles as a cidomo

Gili Trawangan is one of the best places in Indonesia to enjoy special moments together couple. Tropical atmosphere without the noise of motor vehicle is the interesting stuff will we get on Gili Trawangan. Not far from Gili Trawangan Island, there are two other little known by the name of Gili Air and Gili Meno

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Best Places To Visit In Indonesia
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Baluran National Park

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In East Java, there is a place called Africa his East Java. The venue was Observing Savanna which is in the Baluran National Park. The observing savanna is a grassland where wild animals like Bull, deer, wild cattle and wild Buffalo will many who appeared while the morning and evening. Against the backdrop of Mount Baluran, this place was fleeting indeed similar to Serengiti National Park in Tanzania, Africa . Baluran National Park itself was between Situbondo and Banyuwangi, East Java. Its territory not only mainland but also the waters. Bama beach is one of the other interesting spots in Baluran National Park.
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