Investment Opportunity in South Bangka

Investment Opportunity in South Bangka - Agriculture sector is the eminent sector. The types of pepper produced in South Bangka is the type that has well known in numerous European countries. This pepper is good quality of commodity. South Bangka is pepper producer county with the highest amount of total production compare to other counties and regions in Bangka Belitung Province. Other than pepper, rubber and palm plantation also become eminent commodities of South Bangka county. Rubber production in 2011 was estimated to reach the number of 8,817 tons. The production will keep increasing as the expansion plan of the rubber plantation for 40,000 hectare.  Currently the plantation used for rubber commodity is approximately 12,000 hectare. As well as the production of palm and coconut plantation currently recorded around 27,184 tons and 3,041,4 tons. The plantation is spreaded in several subdistricts, such as in Air Gegas, Payung. Next is presented the average production rate for each plantation commodity untill 2011.

Investment Opportunity in South Bangka - Marine and Fishery Sectors. Marine and fishery also become eminent sector in the development of South Bangka county economy. Aroud 7,35% of the total GDP of South Bangka county is contributed from marine and fishery sectors. The area for marine and fishery potentional development in South Bangka county is located in the subdistricts of Lepar Pongok, Tukak Sadai, Toboali and Simpang Rimba. While the eminent commodities in South Bangka are marine fishery, the jaring apung fresh water fishery, shrimp and seaweed.

Investment Opportunity in South Bangka -  Tourism Sector. Tourism is one of the sectors expected to keep developing well as the improvement and utilization of tourism locations and objects in South Bangka county. The development in tourism sector itself is expected to give economy multieffects on the economy activites of South Bangka people. South Bangka is very rich of potential tourism objects. Most of tourism objects in South Bangka are beach and marine objects. Next is presented the table of tourism objects in South Bangka.
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Investment Opportunity in South Bangka -  Processing Industry Sector. Several commoditied of the plantation sector presented above are smallholders plantation which untill present day is still sent out of Bangka for further processing. Meanwhile, in South Bangka county is already available Sadai Industrial Area which provided with loading and unloading harbor and sufficient electricity. It certainly a good investment opportunities for potential investors. The contribution of processing industry sector at this moment only reaches 2,44% of the total economy activities values in South Bangka county. It indicates that processing industry sector hasn’t been worked optimumly, mainly by private industrialists and investors. Processing industry at the moment is only developped for traditional food industry such as terasi, rice cracker, kricu and getas.

Investment Opportunity in South Bangka - Mining sector. Even though it’s unseeded in the development, mining sector is one of the sectors that still become the economy mainstay of South Bangka people. Tin becomes the mainstay product in mining sector. The contribution of mining sector, especially tin mining in South Bangka county reached 24,37%. Investment in mining sector is directly led towards the advanced processing industry for tin commodity, so it gives plus point for the county. Other than tin, mining sectors has other commodities such as granite, quartz, kaolin, iron ores, zircon, monacite, clay and land.

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