Let’s Visit Muntok Museum of Tin

Let’s Visit Muntok Museum of Tin -  Vacation to go to bangka island.  Muntok Museum of Tin in West Bangka- Let’s Visit Muntok Museum of Tin if you want to get to know more about the history of Bangka Belitung. The museum that has been officially opened on Thursday (7/11/2013) is not only exhibiting the development of tin smelting technology but also the development of Bangka Malay, the exile of Indonesian Founding Father, and the history of World War II. The idea of constructing this museum has been started since 2012. At first, PT TImah conserved the building. The consideration of building this museum in Muntok is that because this city cannot be separated from the history of tin and the history of Indonesia. The building that was once Hoofdbureau-banka tin winning building, now, is the Museum of Tin and the center of Tin regulation in Bangka. Come and let’s visit Muntok Museum of Tin.

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The building of the Indonesian Museum of Tin is a monumental building that was the former office of the Banka Tin Winning (BTW). The restoration of this building was done referring to its authenticity at that time. In the past, this building was the head quarter of the Netherland tin company. It was the place where the company did the operation. The building of PT Timah Tbk has gone through a long history and now become the Indonesian Museum of Tin. Muntok exhibits the combination of the history and the development of tin technology and tin smelting. This museum is located next to the official residence of the regent. It is expected to be the means of providing information on the development of Bangka Malay, the exile of the first president of Republic Indonesia, and the history of World War II.

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There are nine galleries in this Museum. Some of them are telling about the history of Muntok social culture development. Some others are exhibiting the Tin exploration and Muntok historical buildings. Another gallery is about leaders which are exiled in Muntok and the World War II history. In the World War II, Japan made this city as the prison for prisoners of war. In this museum,there are also inland mine gallery, sea mines gallery, and tin smelting gallery.

When this museum was officially launched, The director of PT Timah tbk, Sukrisno, said that the company feel obliged to provide a place for historical documentation. It is done by building the Indonesian Museum of Tin at Pangkalpinang and Muntok Museum of Tin. Those museums provide knowledge on tin mining technology for the visitors. He also said that the documentation in those museums is a part of collecting, managing, and communicating the information. Later on, the information is distributed to the community regularly. Moreover, the MUntok Museum of Tin does not only have collection on historical objects. It also has a library so that the visitors can get more information.

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It is expected that this museum will show a whole picture of Muntok, tin technology, and the history of independence. It exhibits the history of exile Bung Karno and some of his ministers. This museum is also full with historical value. The building was constructed in 1915. The vice regent of West Bangka, Sukiman, said that West Bangka local government welcomes the establishment of the museum of tin. Before it is transformed into a museum, it was an old building and an eyesore. It is expected that the youths of West Bangka can understand the information and can get some inspiration from the knowledge of the local history in this museum.

Meanwhile, the energy and mineral advisor of the Bangka Belitung governor, Azrizal, said that Bung Karno has said not to forget the history. Building this museum is one of the action and effort for the younger generation not to forget history. Children must visit the museum often because it can stir patriotism feeling in them. Hopefully, this museum will be useful for the Bangka Belitung citizens. This province is rich with tin mining. Tin mining has been done since 300 years ago. It is a national asset. Let’s visit Muntok Museum of Tin and enrich ourselves with the knowledge on the history of Bangka Belitung.

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